If Jesus has no real importance to people who do not call themselves Christians, why so much debate here? If he did not exist, why so much energy put into convincing others that he does not believe? Most people object to the arrogance of christian missionaries and also to the arrogance of atheists. The only thing we should be sertain of is that we aren’t certain of anything. Aren’t you glad we live in a world that has more possibilities and time for us to discover real truth? Making any absolute statements is arrogant. If one chooses faith in Jesus, one should be pleased to do so. If Jesus calls that person to share their faith with others, so be it. If one does not choose Jesus, so be it. Why all the fuss? That is what got us into the mess of the Holocaust in the first place. What is interesting is that Jesus says to love one another as yourself and to love god with all your heart, soul, mind and strength…. are we doing that – whether he existed or not?