Thanks for continuing this interesting discussion, Rachel! I think that you have many good points, the family responsibilities and self-promotion make much sense to me.

Just for clarification: I don’t really believe it’s discrimination at this point. It might have roots there, but I feel that at least in the U.S., U.K., Canada, Australia and New Zealand women are in the forefront of many industries. Other places in the world, too, but it does seem most commonplace in those countries.

Another clarification – Kim wrote:
“ Molly wrote that only herself and Holly seemed note-worthy enough in people’s . . .”

I didn’t make that distinction, it was made for me in the discussion on Eric Meyer’s site. Being very familiar with Rachel’s work (we have a co-authorship on Dreamweaver and CSS from DMXZone, by the way) I wasn’t leaving her out of the list, but others were, and that’s what had me concerned.

Glad the conversation continues!