My guess is it will be a fair little while before the standards angels can impart their light to everyone out there. But it must only be a matter of time.

I for one, can remember exactly when the dawn of possibility crept across my horizon. Eric Meyer’s first ‘… on CSS’ book probably did more for standards based design than any other (including Zeldman’s bible) title will ever do.

No one reading Eric’s book could have failed to understand the possibilities of what he was offering. I still get a warm, kind of fuzzy feeling, when I remember the simplicity and beauty of his examples, and the path that they were leading me down.

It is with showing by example exactly what can be done that we will win over the last of the old school developers. Perhaps it is unfortunate that the most high profile organisations, such as The Web Standards Project, are probably a little daunting to people wishing to take their first steps on the road to standards fulfilment – despite the wonderful part that the project plays.

As you say Rachel, for those that wish to keep themselves informed, the WaSP is the first port of call; but for those wishing to learn, it is not as welcoming.