
Just get one. Really, do it. Doooooooo it. Hold on…wait until Tiger is released. As for myself I switched back in 2002 and went from a Mac critic (due to ignorance) to a Mac zealot. It really is something you have to experience and for longer than a couple days because there will be some adjustments.

I second what Alex (post #3) has commented on. All good stuff. I use them myself (but who am I, really?). Maybe these articles from other Linux users will give you a little more insight:

A Linux Geek Embraces Mac OS X
Macs Are More Expensive, Right?
But Macs Are Slower, Right?

By the way, I know you said the iMac is funny looking but it is better than a neon light glowing tower. Right? Besides, the iMac has a G5.

Windows is the anti-christ. There, I said it.