I was linked to this site via someone’s “side links”, and so I’ve decided to give you my reason to switch to Mac without actually reading your entry. I will read your entry after I post this comment.

Get a Mac because Macs are bliss. Really, try one. Try a friend’s, go to an Apple store and try one.

I’m not going to tell you the benefits when compared to Windows, because one shouldn’t think that Windows is the only choice. You could just as easily switch to Linux.

Is switching a good idea for you? No idea – because I’ve not read your post. But I can tell you that moving away from Windows (at this time) is an extremely good idea.

If you do switch, I promise you that you will not want to go back to Windows. And, if you do get one, I’ll put my money where my mouth is. I’ll bet you $20.00USD that you will not want to switch back. Extreme? Nope. If you can give me a few legitimate reasons, after using a Mac for a time, that you would rather use Windows – I’ll give ya 20 bucks.

What more reason do you need? Macs are bliss inside of an elegantly designed and brilliantly engineered machine.