Hi 🙂
I love this new design, especially the background.
There’s also a downside, and I generally don’t like to give negative feedback, but then in your last paragraph you asked for comments on readability, so now I just have to say it 😉

Maybe it’s just on my Windows system, and it may depend on the fonts I have or have not installed, but the font I’m seeing, has a strange way of spacing the letters. For example where you wrote “some different background images”, I see that written as “som e different background im ages”.
“implemented”, I see as “im plem ented”.

Now that I’m looking at the examples I just picked, I realise the problem is only with the letter ‘m’. It is crunched to the left of its space, leaving disproportionate space to the right of it. If I bump up the font-size 2 steps (Firefox on Windows XP), then the problem disappears.

Other than that, it’s very easy to read, and I like the clear layout of the content.