Nice to see another ex-DSVR customer here @GaryCrane 🙂

This subject really is a double-edged sword. Tweaking with configurations and fixing problems of varying degrees eats up time and can detract from what you’re really good at and really want to be doing.

However, if you’re familiar with the technicalities and have a good setup it can also save time as well. A few times clients have used a particular host (I won’t mention any names) and when anything needs configuring or anything goes wrong the timescale is always without fail “24 hours”. We purchased an SSL certificate from the said host once which was supposed to take “24 hours” to configure and, no word of a lie, it ended up taking a month. On our own server we could have sorted this in half an hour.

We have clients using other hosts that refuse to enable mod_gzip or mod_deflate, again something that we run as standard on our server. As Bogdan Pop said above it’s nice to be able to configure everything to be “just so” and sometimes clients are put off if you can’t offer the whole package and a competitor can.