So, in other words, wysiwyg editors suck because they are user-centric functionality, rather than designer-centric. Great. We’ll just require the user to unlearn the visual metaphors that were such a great, necessary leap forwards in usability several decades ago now.

And now, “markdown” is creeping out of internet forums and into word processing and page layout apps meant for general users, displacing simple “B” and “I” buttons with nonintuitive codes — two whitespaces to indicate a line break, anybody? — and needing to hit “preview” buttons to have any idea what your document is going to look like. Not to mention breaking URLs with requirements to insert escape codes to handle things like underscores and tildes.

Sorry, WYSISOLWYG (what you see is sort of like what you get) is not a step forwards. For coders, or technical content, sure. But when I can’t find an RTF editor for my phone because everything is “markdown”, that’s a huge, insane, embarassing-for-the-industry step backwards.