Couldn’t agree more. This is really sad that developers tend to reach out for various libraries and boilerplates while they may not even need it. Recently there was a great article published on Smashing Magazine considering web design trends. I think the situation is very much similar to web development here – midless following, well, let’s say best practices or using latest innovative tools without even asking whether this exact solution is the best thing that will suit my needs.

And let’s face it – it’s also partially caused by a bunch of CSS3 generators which got developers used to repasting few lines of code without a blink of an eye and then attaching CSS3 PIE to get for example gradients working in IE.

This is just example but I think we’re facing a bigger issue here – the automation of development processes not always means good quality code. As Paul outlined there can be obvious performance issues caused by loads of javascripts, several unecessary stylesheets, etc.