I only stumbled across this dreadful and appalling matter two weeks ago.

Having just retired from 35 years of self-employment and quarterly VAT returns I had naively hoped that my very small sideline selling eBooks would be trouble free especially because all sales fall well below the VAT threshold.

This draconian diktat from EU Central deprives us all from enjoying the VAT threshold, and is in my view questionable. Furthermore the burden placed on us ‘barely traders’ to comply is outrageous and obviously contrived by time-serving salaried types who have never had to achieve to survive, let alone actually participate in VAT compliance.

The revenue generated by my sales is laughably low and I am too ashamed to declare it publicly! However, if it is was a large business and turning over in excess of the current threshold, then I would willingly comply. As it is not, I refuse to play the EU’s silly games and look forward to the Referendum and shall most definitely exercise my democratic right.

In the interim I have recoded my site to block EU mainland customers from downloading digital material directly and to offer them a physical CD option, although this is not without cost, certainly in time and physical management.

However this is not a forum for me to inflict my moaning as we are all in the same situation!
Could I please ask you to visit http://chn.ge/1xlMSH6 ? This is a link to http://www.change.org and will take you an on-line petition to Vince Cable MP which is gathering momentum. If you are so minded please consider adding your vote and also spread the word to others so the 25,000 signature threshold is passed.