I’m a complicated situation, because I live in the US, but my banks forbid having a US billing address.

Credit Card is issued in Canada.
Billing Address is UK (I don’t live in Canada, and they wanted an non-CA, non-US address; as there’s no physical mailings they said it didn’t mater where it is, or even if it exists. Many customers change it regularly to buy items from other locations that require a “local” billing address, so they just facilitated that process; I buy a lot of EU items, and places like only accepting an EU billing address so, UK address it is.)

IP Address is US.
Mobile Number is DE or US (have two SIM cards I use)

I’m sure I’ll be having issues when my subscriptions from EU providers start to renew later this month, but as I’m also setting up in an online marketplace, I would liket o know how to even capture myself in this regards for the “two pieces of info” when I can’t even figure it out for myself 😐