I watched a good portion of the show and was there for some of the shenanigans in the chat. If you’re going to allow anonymous commenters in chat, not really moderate with IP bans after warning on one or at the very most two out of line comments by an individual, plan on getting some amount of garbage spewed forth. I participated in an Unreal Tournament gaming community 7-9 years ago. Wide array of players w/ages ranging from 15-50yrs, had all kinds of fun playing the game and it was very competitive. Unfortunately with the fun, came the grief. There’s one type that existed in this community, and it had a name: ‘griefer’ ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Griefing ). They made nasty comments in game, on boards, in chats, you name it, to get as much of a reaction as possible from other players just trying to have fun. From what I saw, the few yesterday were minor-league griefers and should have been sent on their way. And I’m all for free speech, but if you want anonymity to shoot your mouth off in a negative, off-topic, non-productive way, particularly in a forum like this, then at least own up to it by registering an account w/email address so you can be known for the troll you are, or simply buzz off. Sorry that happened with the women yesterday, but also thought comments made about Andy Clarke were pretty pathetic too. But enough about the 2.11% negatives(the chatroom, the video dropping, and my Flash plugin crashing every 15 minutes)… kudos to Boagworld overall for a wonderfully produced show and a job well done.