Learning to drive

I’ve started to learn to drive. Where I now live people always assume that you drive. I lived in London for 5 years and in London people don’t presume that you have a car, because lots of people don’t. However here, everyone drives their is no local public transport to speak of and everything is so spread out.

I’ve never seen myself driving a car though, and three lessons in, I just find the whole concept amusing, I’m not nervous, I just think it’s funny. My driving instructor (who is the most calm man I have ever encountered) must think I am insane as I giggle like a madwoman while narrowly missing parked cars and pedestrians. I’m hoping I start to find it less comical by the time I take my test!


Chris Neale January 1, 2001 Reply

I’m going to upset the boat

spot the deliberate mistake :

‘However here, everyone drives their is no local public transport to speak of …’

might be

“However here, everyone drives, there is no local public transport to speak of …”

cannot really say : )

I’m not sure Gary commented on the right post

nice enough design, although as a bloke, I’m not keen on the light mauve, but, it’s your prerogative

and I do hope the giggling stops, driving makes you dangerous enough, without maniacal laughter

Mo January 1, 2001 Reply

Well, if we’re going to get picky about it:

“Here, however, everyone drives: there is no local public transport of which to speak and everything is so spread out.”

It’d be wrong to point this out without also highlighting how little it matters. The fact that we’re even discussing it shows that we understood it in its original form, and the fact we understood it shows it doesn’t need correction.

I can’t comment on the colour. Were it up to me, it’d be teal. In fact, everything would be teal.

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